Africa Connect is a 501c(3) tax exempt organization, dedicated to Biblical integrity within a structure of simplicity. We are committed to financial practices that encourage accountability, responsibility, and long term sustainability.
Checks can be mailed to:
PO Box 598
Lee, MA 01238
We invite you to partner with us
because partnership gets it done more effectively and efficiently. However, it requires an investment of our hearts,
not just our wallets.
Simplicity, good stewardship and a solid accountability system allow Africa Connect to send 75 - 80% avg. of donated funds to the needs in Africa, right where it belongs.
We want our donors to know how their money is spent, and be connected with the lives they are helping to change.
There are many ways to get involved. We offer a few options here.
1. Sponsor a Needy Primary or High School Student (
2. Donate to IMS General Fund
See Ian Memorial Sponsorship Fund
3. Support the Empowerment Programs such as Tailoring and Business Boost
4. Support Medical Initiatives
Rural Clinic - $800 each clinic
Emergency Medical Fund for students
Provide shoes, uniforms and bags for preschool students @ $50 per child
6. Support missionary expenses
Cross cultural partnership creates a necessity for AC representatives to spend time on the field. Any amount helps.
Donation Disclosure document >
Please note your designation preference in the Paypal memo or on the check
Africa Connect is the sole supporter of this Free Preschool, which serves 60 destitute children and their families in the slum community of Kitale, Kenya.
2. AC Undesignated Monthly Support
Committed donors are key to Africa Connect's work, present and future.
Monthly payments can be set up through Paypal or your bank’s billpay option.
Please note your designation preference in the Paypal memo or on the check.
1. Like or share our posts on Facebook
2. Introduce us to your friends or group
3. Arrange to have an AC representative come to speak at your church or group.
4. Host or initiate a fundraiser for AC.
5. Pray for us, for our students, and for the Kenyan staff; we depend on it! To join the AC email prayer team, send a note to
If you would like to be involved with Africa Connect in a volunteer capacity, please email us at
Thank you for making Africa Connect a channel of your compassion.
All gifts will be processed and a receipt will be mailed at the end of the year unless otherwise requested. All financial reports are available upon request, and regular reports will be made to donors as to progress on the field and the use of donated monies.
Board of Directors and Advisory Board: see US Team page
Donation Policy: Berkshire Missions Inc, the parent corporation of Africa Connect, is committed to applying all donations as designated; however, we reserve the right to prioritize spending as to needs on the ground in Africa. Checks and Paypal payments should include the intended purpose
in the memo. Send checks to Africa Connect, PO Box 598, Lee, MA 01238, or use Paypal.