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One child is worth it all, but it doesn’t end there.
We want the whole community transformed.

Africa Connect’s core project is Baraka HSS (Heart, Soul, Spirit) Academy, a free preschool that serves sixty of the most desperate children from the surrounding urban slum. For most of these children, this is not just a school but a place of rescue, where they can receive the nutrition and medical care they need in a safe, loving environment. But that’s not enough - we believe to substantially help the child, we must reach the home, the family and the impoverished, often violent neighborhood they go back to every night.


That’s why our Kenyan partners, the school staff, church members and visiting US teams go to the children’s homes to engage with the parents and guardians, introduce them to a community of people who care, and offer practical tools and resources that can reverse the course of their lives. We won’t do it for them, they have to pick up the tools and go to work. We offer Empowerment through Tailoring classes, Bio-intensive Agriculture and Business Programs, Community Medical Clinics and preventive health instruction, home cell groups, and Bible based life training to help bring hope for a better life, and an opportunity to experience the dignity we were all created to enjoy.



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